Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three brand-spankin newly-finished kates!

One new design, three new kates... I do heart making these and hope they find good homes. :-)

I have some rectangular kates that I think I will do pirate kates on, and set them up for more than a 4 ply. Ever wanted to make your own 6 ply? I think that would be cool!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Kate, nearly finished

So I have some finishing work to do but it is looking good. Hoping to get it listed by the weekend, but personal stuff will need to cooperate (and it totally, totally hasn't been thus far)

What do you think?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

DPN art

I've got a couple of new ones I need to list, but this photography thing is for the birds... but I did make a DPN star which has a couple of the new ones in there, in the event you are interested. Note that the needles in the picture range from size 1 US to 8 US, because they are what I had available.

In other news, I am a bit closer to finishing 3 new kates (one new design, two repeats) and hope to have those up soon. I will be moving very soon and hope to not have to shut the shop in vacation mode during the move, but that will depends on how much life throws at me (which is expected to be considerable).

I think the cows and piggies are cute but I do really love the frogs too (whoops, not pictured here, but they are up on etsy)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Goth sock club

Hey guys!

I have a fun thing I'm doing with Rainy Days and Wooly Dogs, so if you are in the Goth sock club, look for something fun and extra when your club shipment comes!

Check it out:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DPN holders

So I'm working on updating the shop, but wanted to let y'all know that if you want something that you don't see "live" in the shop, leave me a comment here or convo me on etsy (or rav) and I'll let you know if I have it. I am sad to tell you that despite my protests, I am unable to get more sushi DPN holders because they are discontinued, which makes me very, very sad.

Anyway I put some new DPN holders up and have more too. If you are a zombie fan and don't see your faves listed, let me know. I have to budget around the fee structure so different things show up in the shop and most of the time I have more of what's up there that isn't yet listed, or I have slightly different ones. For example, I have any zombies you might care for of the ones up there, including these. I have pink fairies which are not listed, and rootin' tootin Pirates too (I think I will put a set of those up, since I hear pirates).

Anyway speak up if you'd like something listed, I am happy to accommodate you!